ID Requirements for Adults

  • Clients who are at least 18 years or older must provide their ID for any service, including removing or changing jewelry. We need your ID every time you request any procedure, even if you have shown it on a prior occasion. For our documentation, we must have valid, non-expired, government-issued photo ID. It must be the original; photocopies are not valid, unless the copy is notarized as being true to the original.

  • If you have any questions about acceptable IDs, please give us a call before you make the trip. We don’t like turning away clients, so we’ll do our best to work with what you have to help you meet our ID requirements. 

ID Requirements for Minors

  • For any piercing or jewelry insertion service for a minor, the minor will need a valid (non-expired) government-issued document that shows their date of birth as well as a photo ID. A driver’s license or state ID satisfies both requirements.

  • However, if the minor does not have such an ID, a birth certificate in conjunction with school or work photo ID will work as well.

  • In addition, we will need a valid (non-expired) ID from the parent or legal guardian that proves they have legal responsibility for the minor.

  • This could include a driver’s license with matching last names to the minor’s ID, or any government-issued photo ID with a name that appears on the minor’s birth certificate or guardianship paperwork.

  • Most importantly, all documents must be original or notarized copies of the original.

  • If the last names on the parent's and minor's IDs do not match, we will need additional documentation proving the relationship, such as a birth certificate. If the name on the parent’s ID has changed since the birth certificate was issued, a marriage license or change-of-name form must also be presented.

  • If you are not the parent but are the legal guardian of the child, we will also need official, original paperwork showing that you have legal responsibility for them. 

  • We realize this can be confusing, so if you have any questions about ID requirements please don’t hesitate to give us a call before you make the trip.